Friday, August 12, 2011

Katie's Pictures

After returning to the U.S., I'm realizing how much I miss Nepal. I want to thank every member of our group (including our fabulous guides!) for such an unforgettable experience! Here are some of my pictures! There will be more to come soon!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Of all the things I miss, I miss my friends the most.

I could never have asked to travel halfway around the world with a better group of people.  I am so grateful for the influence each person has had on my experience this summer and my life as a whole.  When I was sick, they comforted me by bringing me juice and pizza to make me feel at home, retold the day's adventures with pictures, brochures, and stories, and tossed numerous medicines at me from a safe distance until I found some that had me back on my feet and not contagious.  They granted me access into their lives as we shared raksi, curd, and side-splitting laughter.  I am honored to have shared in their personal experiences during our journey through Nepal, and delighted that my love for Kathmandu is so closely tied to my love for my new friends. 

May love and peace and joy prevail in each of your lives every day.


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Various photos of our group

Here are various photos of our group enjoying our Nepal experience.
(far left, at a Tibetan Medical Clinic; middle, with the Buddhist "brothers" getting a tour of their village after a meditation service; right, enjoying delicious Nepalese food (hint: the Mo-mos are to die for!); and bottom, group member, Pete, with our irreplaceable guide Sakar.